Should You Take a French Exam?

In which case should you take a French exam?

>Check out my new method How To Succeed-DELF B2 Speaking Test here. It’s tailored for the speaking part but also covers the other skills.

Almost everybody hates exams. They are like Grammar. It’s something that reminds you hard times at school back in the days. I feel like that too. I always wondered why learning French grammar is so important since I already knew how to speak French! We were told to learn verb drills and other boring stuffs. Later I realized that my French grammar skills were not high enough because I needed them to learn another language. I was trapped! No way to escape grrrrr…ammar.

Exams are the same as grammar, boring, stressful but so useful!

They are many reason why you should take a French exam.

First, taking an exam means being aware of your French skills. You will maybe take a French proficiency test before (very important) and see your lacks and strengths. It’s the beginning of real improvement. Being aware of where you are, what is your level, and then doing something about it. Well done! For example TCF is a good French Test for those who want a good picture of what their level is for each skills.

DELF B2 – The most useful French exam. If you need to take an French exam, pick this one.

TCF – A good exam to have a good picture of your level. A TCF level can be asked by organizations to assess your level .

Why? Getting motivated, and having good stress!

The second reason is to prove yourself that you can do it. Taking an exam is getting out of your comfort zone. Everything is about this when you look for improvement. This will result in boosting your confidence. Because you will succeed, you will feel better. And even more if you choose to take an exam like the TCF, you can’t fail!Be sure to check correctly what your current level is with me or another private tutor.

The next reason is that you will learn a lot. Not only you will improve your “technical skills” like grammar structures, organisation, listening skills, pronunciation but you will learn a lot about French culture! Culture is essential when learning French (and any other language) and you will be more likely to communicate if you have all that knowledge with you.

Finally, because you will need to study in order to success your French exam, you will end up practice more (even if you fail!). So in any case you win! You know that practice needs to come first to reach fluency in French. Preparing for an exam (DELF B2 is the most popular and useful French test) will help you to learn a lot more than you would do if you keep your usual routine of learning French.

Taking an exam will really help you and I really encourage every student to do it, whether you think you need it or not.

>Check out my new method How To Succeed-DELF B2 Speaking Test here. It’s tailored for the speaking part but also covers the other skills.

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what the examiners expect for DELF B2 production orale!

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