What do you need?
Exam Preparation
Succeed Your Exam!
- Pass your DELF/TEF/TEFAQ with confidence and succeed!
- Simulation (oral/écrit)
- Correction/Proofreading
- Suggestions for improvement
You will even start to speak English with a French accent!
- Boost your confidence
- finally get understood by French natives!
- Improve your accent
- Improve your listening skills
Slang & Vocab
Swearing is ok if it’s for language purpose!
- Know more vocabulary (idioms, slang,…)
- Improve your accent
- Improve your listening skills
- Have fun learning more about France!
In our lessons:
- We will talk about your needs and goals.
- I will check your skills and difficulties.
- We will make a study plan according to your priorities.
About me
My name is Jean K, I am a professional French tutor and the founder of itsfrenchjuice.com and intuitivefrench.com and getsetfrench.com and author of French study guides.
My goal is your success and improvement!