>These are the main mistakes examiners find in the DELF B2 Test. For DELF B2 you don’t only have to know structures and vocab but you have to use it. If you don’t use something you know, the examiners won’t know you have such skills. So you need to use more than once the important structures. On the contrary, there are some mistakes that can cost you some marks, so remember the following ones.

You can review the following structures to get higher rates and fewer mistakes:
- Basic punctuation: period at the end of a sentence, a capital letter at the beginning. Basic punctuation is essential, it’s like greetings. Saying hello, please, thank you is not compulsory, nor punctuation.
- Mind the agreement for gender and number (i know gender is closer to chance, it means it’s hard to guess if you don’t know it, but the number is often easy and logical to agree!). Agreements are like one of France’s landmarks, you have to do it, otherwise, it sounds weird and even if it’s understandable, it’s wrong.
- Basic structures: C’est + nom, il est + adjectif (c’est un beau pays / il est beau). That’s a hard one, I know. A quick reminder:
- c’est/ce sont C’est and ce sont are followed by: C’est + noun, including modified nouns: C’est un chien. C’est un français. Ce sont des chats. C’est + proper noun, pronoun: C’est Jean. C’est moi. C’est + dates: La fête nationale c’est le 14 juillet, c’est lundi prochain. C’est + adjective for non-specific referents: C’est super! C’est génial! C’est incroyable!
- il/elle est, ils/elles sont Use il/elle est introduce the following: Il est + adjective alone: Il est gentil. Il est français. Il est + nationality, occupation, religion (used as adjectives in French): Elle est étudiante. Il est docteur. Remember that “il(s)” and “elle(s)” refer to a specific person or thing. “Ce” doesn’t refer to a specific person or thing. It can be translated as “that”.
- Basic structures: beaucoup DE, pas DE, plus DE, moins DE, peu DE… Yes, there are some simple rules in French! It exists! Enjoy this one! Adverbs of quantity before a noun must be followed by de (d’ in front of a vowel or silent h). >J’ai acheté beaucoup de livres d’histoire mais peu de grammaire.
- Elision: In the following words, the E is dropped if they precede a word beginning with a vowel or an aspirated H: que, le, la, je, me, te, se, ne, de, ce + verbe être
A more detailed list for the DELF B2 Level is available in my method How To Succeed-DELF B2 Speaking Test.
Merci Beaucoup!