DELF B2 – How To Succeed Speaking Test

16,28 $

  • Resources to train for speaking test
  • Linking words to use for Speaking/Writing Test
  • Sentences fitting for any topic for DELF B2
  • These are the main mistakes examiners find in the B2 Test
  • Grammar structures to master for B2 level
  • Examples and practice on plan structure

The best tips to succeed your exam. All detailed resources are here to help you to prepare exactly what the examiners want from you 😉 A must for anyone in the process of taking the DELF B2 exam!

  • Resources to train for speaking test
  • Linking words to use for Speaking/Writing Test
  • Sentences fitting for any topic for DELF B2
  • These are the main mistakes examiners find in the B2 Test
  • Grammar structures to master for B2 level
  • Examples and practice on plan structure

Epub/PDF format
59 pages
paperback format available here


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