How Hard Is the DELF B2?

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DELF B2 is renown as being a stage in the learning process. It’s at this stage that you can start to be considered as fluent in French (although not perfect). That’s why I think this level is very important!  It’s also called the Independent Level. It means that you can interact with almost anyone in every situation, without needing help from anyone. Even more you can help other people to understand something in French. (You may, for example, explain something to someone or teach French to beginners, it will help you a lot to improve yourself too!)

Based on that, you should have a great knowledge of the French language to pass the DELF B2. So how hard is the DELF B2?

First, maybe you are not confident about your skills in French, but this is a different matter. It’s not because you are not confident that you are not skilled 🙂 As I explain in another post, DELF B2 consists first in having balanced all your different skills (Listening, Writing, Speaking, Reading).  What it’s important to understand for the French exam DELF B2, it’s not because you are fluent that you can succeed. A lot of fluent French natives make many mistakes using the French language but also in writing French. They may have hard times to communicate when it comes to pass a job interview etc. So it’s not only a matter of language but also about different skills, being logic, organized etc. Check the website that gathers French native mistakes (you can challenge yourself to spot them!) and this post where I’m talking about the most common mistakes of French natives.

Then, DELF B2 is quite strict. Written French is very formal so once again it’s not because you know how to speak that you will succeed.  Keep this in mind. You should pay attention to what you are asked and stick to that. Off topic is not allowed. Speaking about written French, if you are asked to write a formal letter it has to contain all the salutations and all the pieces of information needed. The same goes with the oral part. You are not asked to just recap the document, but make a consistent analysis and develop a logical reflection. My method “How To Succeed-DELF B2 Speaking Test” teach you all that. That being said, once you know what to expect you have to focus your preparation on that. Knowing where to go to reach your goal faster!

DELF B2 is not hard but if you want to succeed you have to use the right structure, and grammar point at the right moment. This exam is very straight and demanding. Actually, it’s good because you have to get better if you want to take it. That’s something everyone can achieve with a bit of work. Don’t think too much, act every day towards your success!

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