New DELF 2020: What’s New?

Starting from March 2020 the DELF/DALF Test will change a bit in their format. DELF A1 will remain the same, however A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 get some modifications. So what will change exactly?

ATTENTION: Until 2023, they will still be using the old version in some centers and some countries.

DELF/ DALF actuelNouveau DELF/DALF
(mars 2020)
DELF A2CO : 7 documentsCO : 14 documents
DELF B1CE : 35  minutesCE : 45 minutes
DELF B2CO : 2 documentsCO : 5 documents
DALF C1 / C2Choix du domaine de spécialitéPas de domaine de spécialité

For DELF A2, B1, B2

Compréhension oral and compréhension écrite test will have some modification: There will be no more open ended questions. It will be closed ended questions.

There will be more multiple-choice questions. It means you will be less likely asked to justify your answer in the case of a “Yes or No” question.

The number of tasks will aslo be changed. For A2, audio documents will be now 14 instead of 7 previously. For B2 there will be 5 audio documents instead of 2.

The duration of the compréhension des écrits test will be 45 minutes (35 minutes previously). It will definitely help to have less stress.

For DALF C1 and C2

There will be no more “domaines de spécialité”(Lettres et Sciences Humaines ou Sciences). There will be comme topics for all candidates.

Result: the exam will be easier but Expression oral will become more important to assess your level. This is the part you will be more likely to make the difference.

Prepare your DELF compréhension orale test!

Only 1 minute to discover

what the examiners expect for DELF B2 production orale!

9 thoughts on “New DELF 2020: What’s New?”

  1. Hi.. i am giving the DELF B1 exam in march 2020. i would like to know if the new pattern will be in effect from this exam itself or from june. Please help.

    1. Hello! actually, it depends on the country you will take the exam. The new format will take 3 years to be adapted worldwide. According to the official organisation: Les épreuves au nouveau format en 2020 représenteront environ 15 % des épreuves dans le monde, ensuite 50 % en 2021 pour arriver à 100 % en 2023.
      I guess the 15% of 2020 (starting from this month) will include France and european countries, although it is not an official information, just my opinion.

      1. I suggest you contact the exam center where you plan to take the DELF B2, to get more information about your case.

  2. Hi!
    Kindly suggest where can I find practice material for the new exam format for DELF B2. I have only been able to find the sample papers on the official website, but to practice I am looking for more material. Thanks a lot!

    1. Bonjour Divya! Thank you for your comment. The new exam format is not yet active worldwide, but will progressively be implemented. As for the DELF B2 there are just 3 more documents than the previous version. For now, the next exams in France will be affected by this modification but it will be progressive in other countries until 2023. You can contact the DELF exam center near you to check when the new version will be active. In the meantime, any listening exercises will be useful, you can use any DELF method that offers audio files, and also some useful websites with transcriptions in french subtitles like: and as well as Le journal en Français facile and the French textbook “Compréhension Orale”. All the best! 😉

  3. I’ve j’use exited my Delf B2 test in Geneve and I felt tricked! I trained hard for close end questions and most of them were open questions with justification. I did not see it coming. I had no practice in this model whatsoever.

    1. I just gave my DELF B1 as well in Luxembourg and I was also expecting MCQs only for comprehension orale and écrite but they were mostly open ended questions 🙁

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